A Gift Card

Arts and Culture

Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)

Schools and Teachers


Regular price $40.00

Your donation will assist NRDC in securing permanent protection for millions of acres of parks and wildlands from pollution, oil drilling and mining and other development.

Regular price $25.00

Your gift will purchase the needed monitor and supplies to do the required testing to make certain that these children's blood does not form the clots that would end their lives. The monitors also provide the assurance that the medication given does not go over the limit that would endanger the child with uncontrolled bleeding. Both sides of the equation have to be addressed and...

Regular price $50.00

Since 1994, CCF has placed over 260 livestock guarding dogs. The puppies bond with their herds and protect the herds from predators. Most farmers with these dogs from CCF report dramatic reductions of livestock losses due to cheetahs and other predators. In turn, this helps the farmers implement improved livestock management techniques and encourages the farmers to co-exist with cheetahs instead of removing cheetahs from...

Regular price $75.00

Your gift to sponsor a midwife will ensure that she receives the proper training and education necessary to appropriately and safely support her clients, pregnant Mexican women. The training program that traditional midwives go through is necessary in order to reinforce special information and skills regarding violence in the home. In addition, your gift will promote networking and alliance-building between midwives and healthcare providers in...

Regular price $5.00

Your $5 gift will allow us to buy at least one bottle of sunscreen for our Prevention participants in the Rise n’ Shine summer camp. Many of the programs participants are considered to be at-risk for negative behaviors such as dropping out of school, teen pregnancy, gang behavior, drugs or alcohol abuse, or becoming involved in abusive relationships. The focus of Rise n’ Shine is...

Regular price $150.00

Your donation will help thousands of pregnant women realize safe and healthy pregnancies by training ten OB/GYNs on how to better serve patients who are pregnant and their newborns. Through the FVPF’s advanced training programs OB/GYNs are trained on how to recognize signs of abuse and how to move pregnant victims in crisis to services for help. Your contribution will allow for greater education and...

Regular price $100.00

Speak out. Save lives. Your generous contribution will directly support Refugees International’s lifesaving advocacy to protect refugees and internally displaced people around the globe. Refugees International doesn't accept any government or UN funding so that we can provide unfettered recommendations to decision-makers worldwide and work to protect the lives of the world’s most vulnerable populations.

Regular price $200.00

For $200, you can support PAI's work to help policymakers, the media and others understand how family planning and reproductive health programs are essential to conservation efforts worldwide.

Regular price $10.00

Your gift provides one resource packet about human rights, allowing someone to learn about important issues in a simple and friendly way.

Regular price $100.00

We are committed to mentoring young activists who are working to apply their unique skills and talents to protect human rights. Through one-on-one mentoring and support, we help make sure young people have an impact on human rights in their community and in the world. This gift will provide 3 months of mentoring to a youth activist who is working to make a difference and...

Regular price $35.00

We are committed to mentoring young activists who are working to apply their unique skills and talents to protect human rights. Through one-on-one mentoring and support, we help make sure young people have an impact on human rights in their community and in the world. This gift will provide 6 months of mentoring to a youth activist who is working to make a difference and...

Regular price $200.00

We are committed to mentoring young activists who are working to apply their unique skills and talents to protect human rights. Through one-on-one mentoring and support, we help make sure young people have an impact on human rights in their community and in the world. This gift will provide 6 months of mentoring to a youth activist who is working to make a difference and...

Regular price $50.00

Your gift of a See It and Stop It action kit for high school students committed to preventing dating violence will be provided by FVPF. The See It and Stop It campaign is an unprecedented public education campaign developed by and for teens. Action kits contain posters, radio announcements, television ads, an online toolkit, and information on recognizing signs of dating violence, how to stop...

Regular price $100.00

Your gift will help maintain space as a shared, weapon-free sanctuary for exploration and communication by allowing us to advance some of the most practical approaches for keeping outer space weapon-free. “A Citizens Guide to Space Security” explains in clear and compelling language how U.S. plans to dominate space and potentially introduce weapons in orbit would actually undermine national and international security. Getting this booklet...

Regular price $15.00

Your gift will prove Wildlife Alliance with the tools necessary to help suport these local communities. The aim of Wildlife Alliance's Community Agriculture Development Project (CADP) is to reverse the thirty year cycle of poverty and natural resource destruction that started when the Khmer Rouge confiscated farmers' plowing equipment. By giving plows and seeds back to these farmers, CADP's goal is to help them return...

Regular price $200.00

Renctas works with Brazilian public environmental enforcement and control agencies to strengthen environmental workers. The objective of the project is to train those officially responsible for environmental controlling and monitoring in the fight against wild animal trafficking. When we research the wild fauna traffic in each Brazilian state, we inform and give direction to the monitoring agencies responsible for stopping this trade. The development of...

Your gift will help Renctas educate one school about wild animal trafficking.

Regular price $30.00

How you can help: Right now we have a special opportunity to purchase grazing privileges on four different allotments next to Yellowstone. It is vital that we are fully prepared to act with the proper funds on hand, the moment an agreement is reached. The great news…it only costs $2 to adopt one wildlife acre. So for $30 you can protect wildlife on 15 full...

Regular price $35.00

Speak out. Save Lives. Your generous contribution will directly support Refugees International’s lifesaving advocacy to protect displaced women around the world.

Regular price $10.00

This gift will provide two guidebooks from OAR’s “Life Journey through Autism” series to a parent of a child just diagnosed with autism. These guides target many of the difficult questions new parents, teachers, and caregivers face on a daily basis. They offer actionable tools and a range of educational and social/communication skill-building resources explained in layman’s terms. With the help of these resources, parents...