Protect Lives
One Clotting Monitor
Children in developed countries get strep throat and they get antibiotics. Children in undeveloped countries get the very same infection and develop rheumatic heart disease--and their hearts are damaged for the rest of their lives. Some require valve transplantation-some with pig valves--some with mechanical valves. When this happens, the body knows that the valve replaced does not "belong" and tries to get rid of it--by forming clots--which can be deadly.
The Gift
Your gift will purchase the needed monitor and supplies to do the required testing to make certain that these children's blood does not form the clots that would end their lives. The monitors also provide the assurance that the medication given does not go over the limit that would endanger the child with uncontrolled bleeding. Both sides of the equation have to be addressed and this provides the means to do exactly that. The monitors are simple to use and inexpensive to maintain--thus making them ideal for this application. We feel that we have found a very cost effective way to ask our supporters to contribute to our children's health and future.