A Gift Card

Arts and Culture

Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)

Schools and Teachers


Regular price $45.00

Recognizing that women worldwide are the engines of advancement for their families, Mercy Corps invests in the small businesses of female entrepreneurs. We provide training and loans to help women turn their dreams into successful enterprises, which not only fulfill unmet community needs but also help fund their children's education and ensure their families' well-being. A small loan is often the difference between a life...

Regular price $25.00

Oportunidad Microfinanzas, an Opportunity microfinance bank, provides small working capital loans for people in chronic poverty. Loans range from $100 to $500, about what our target clients are borrowing from moneylenders. Spared high interest rates, our clients earn more to invest in the business. Their increased income helps them meet basic family needs. Children are going to school, not work. Group lending through Trust Banks...

Regular price $5.00

IMED, an Opportunity International partner, is a microfinance organization based in Chennai. When the tsunami struck, the IMED staff was quick to respond, surveying the damage in stricken areas, participating in relief activities and gauging the future needs of tsunami victims. Opportunity is now embarking on an aggressive expansion plan in India. By the end of 2006, IMED’s microfinance activity will be transferred to a...

Regular price $160.00

With a used refrigerator, a market vendor can store perishable items such as milk, cheese, meat or fish and preserve them for longer availability and plan for future sales. This will help create a sustainable and secure business for the borrower.

Regular price $50.00

With a loan of $50, a client could buy bags of rice and cereal grains to sell in the market. Then the client can use the profits from selling the grains to buy more inventory, improve their home, and to hire an assistant.

Regular price $75.00

With a loan of $75, a client could buy fruit and vegetables to sell in the market. Then the client can use the profits from her sales to expand her market stall, enroll in a financial literacy class, and help send her children to school.

Regular price $25.00

With a loan of $25, a client could buy laying hens for eggs to sell in the market. Then the client can use the profits from selling the eggs to buy more chickens, invest in chicken cages, and feed her family.

Regular price $500.00

Microentrepreneurs need equipment to enable their businesses to succeed. Whether it's a bicycle repair shop, a tire repair business, or a textile manufacturer, owners need to invest in machinery and tools to make their businesses run efficiently and grow.

Regular price $10.00

Your gift would allow a Fundefir employee to spend two hours giving a training session to community residents on basic computer programs and functions. This would allow both local youth and adults who rarely use computers to learn how this technology can improve their lives.

Regular price $1,000.00

A $1000 loan can help a woman in Afhanistan create a business and use the profits to rebuild her home. And you're providing a self-employment loan, not a gift. Your donation will build discipline, responsibility, and self-confidence as women create their own business. And as each loan is repaid, the borrower's line of credit increases by an amount equal to her accumulated savings.

Regular price $3,000.00

Your gift of $3,000 helps strengthen microfinance leaders so they can continue as innovators for the world’s poorest. Your gift size supports senior executives like Francisco Lopez, Executive Director of the microfinance institution Fundación Adelante in Honduras. He attended a two-week course organized by INCAE, one of the top business schools in Latin America. From this short course, he learned about new challenges in the...

Regular price $5,000.00

A $5000 contribution can sponsor an entire FINCA Village Banking group (25-30 members) for three loan cycles, or one year. FINCA agrees to raise the additional loan capital needed to support the group in later cycles. And you're providing a self-employment loan, not a gift. Your donation will build discipline, responsibility, and self-confidence as women create their own business. And as each loan is repaid,...

Regular price $25.00

Your gift will help purchase a computer for a communal bank. The computer will be used to manage and computerize the bank’s finances, in particular its investment and loan portfolio. With a computer, the bank will be able to use software designed by Fundefir to keep track of all activity – deposits, loans, loan repayments, dividends, etc. This program will help alert bank leaders to...

Regular price $360.00

When Maritza was just 19, a woman in her village started an argument with her and threw a poisonous liquid in her eyes, rendering her incurably blind. She refused to treat her blindness as a weakness, and remained determined to use her skills to earn a living. She took out a loan of 5,031 pesos (US $150) from Esperanza, a Grameen Foundation partner, and began...

Regular price $225.00

With $225, a woman can start a bakery in India and support her family as a widow. Mary, a 45 year-old widow, was only educated up until primary school. When she lost her husband, she was left with few options to earn a living. Working as a laborer in a bakery unit, she could hardly make ends meet. However, Mary enjoyed the baking process and...

Added income from a $50 loan can help a Tanzanian mother expand her business and feed her children more nutritious food.. And you're providing a self-employment loan, not a gift. Your donation will build discipline, responsibility, and self-confidence as women create their own business. And as each loan is repaid, the borrower's line of credit increases by an amount equal to her accumulated savings.

Regular price $1,000.00

Loan officers are the men and women that go out and make loans to microentrepreneurs. With a motorscooter, a loan officer can visit and help more clients in a day than s/he can on foot, putting money into the hands of people who need it the most in urban and rural areas.

Fight Poverty

One loan for a woman

Pro Mujer

Regular price $200.00

This gift package will help one poor woman establish her own small business and access credit, business training, and health care services for herself and her family. Business training helps clients learn additional money management skills and how to effectively market their products. On average, clients double their income after two years of joining the organization. Clients also receive training in leadership, communications and self-esteem....

Regular price $50.00

Your gift will leverage $1000 in microloans. This could be used by a seamstress in Bolivia, allowing her to buy a sewing machine and materials to start a business that creates two additional jobs and livelihood for three households.

Regular price $260.00

This gift makes it possible for a Dalit in a self-help group sponsored by the Dalit Freedom Network (DFN) to receive a small loan to start a business. Loan recipients develop a reliable source of income and gain self-respect and dignity by repaying the amount. Plus, as the loan is paid back with a fair interest rate, another group member may receive funding. When Sabita’s...