A Gift Card

Arts and Culture

Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)

Schools and Teachers


Regular price $200.00

CFFC will send one-year subscriptions to our award winning newsjournal CONSCIENCE to 10 university libraries in the US to insure that students have access to information and Catholic thought from the US and around the world. CONSCIENCE, the national and international newsjournal of Catholic opinion, is published quarterly by Catholics for a Free Choice and offers in-depth coverage of the topics central to the CFFC...

Regular price $100.00

Your gift will buy one hour of research on the enemies of choice. CFFC publishes OPPOSITION NOTES, a new series of investigative fact sheets on those who oppose women’s rights and reproductive health. The current series has already reported on the activities, strategy and finances of Priests for Life, the American Life League, and Youth Defence; more reports are planned. Earlier reports explored the US...

Regular price $100.00

Your gift will allow CFFC to send our Condoms4Life posters to 250 clinics in Africa where the HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to rage. These materials reinforce the campaign messages that Good Catholics Use Condoms and that People of Faith Use Condoms. These messages are vitally important since Catholic prelates in Africa have spread untruths about the efficacy of condoms in preventing transmission of the virus. Condoms4Life...

Regular price $100.00

Your gift will support shelters, drop-in centers, and local pastoral teams with humanitarian efforts to assist people migrating through Mexico. Migrants often fall prey to assault and extortion as they pass through Mexico, and they risk their lives passing through treacherous deserts and rivers. CRS and the Catholic Church work to promote alternatives to migration in Mexico and advocate for comprehensive immigration reform in the...

Regular price $106.00

Your gift will help improve local human rights laws in 238 villages of rural Orissa, one of the least developed states in India. This project strengthens the voice of women, young people and grassroots groups in community-level planning. It also trains and supports local leaders so they can help their communities by improving the delivery of essential services. Your most generous gift of $106 will...

Regular price $100.00

Your gift will provide counseling on HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases to couples in the Diocese of Kaya. This Couple-to-Couple Counseling Project trains volunteer couples to visit married and engaged couples to talk about HIV and AIDS. The volunteer couples use bicycles to reach vulnerable couples in remote areas. The project trains participants to develop safe-living plans. Information and awareness-raising sessions are also used...

Regular price $25.00

CFFC will send a one-year subscription to our award winning newsjournal CONSCIENCE to a US library to insure that library patrons have access to information and Catholic thought from the US and around the world. CONSCIENCE, the national and international newsjournal of Catholic opinion, is published quarterly by Catholics for a Free Choice and offers in-depth coverage of the topics central to the CFFC mission,...

Regular price $1,000.00

Catholics for a Free Choice placed poster-sized ads at high traffic areas including subway stops and bus shelters in New York City, Washington, DC, and San Francisco to coincide with Valentine’s Day 2006. These materials reinforce the Condoms4Life campaign messages that Good Catholics Use Condoms and that People of Faith Use Condoms. The images include attractive straight and gay couples. Spread the word – buy...

Regular price $30.00

Your gift will strengthen the capacity of communities to manage risks and prepare for disasters. This project works to prevent the devastating effects of catastrophes in vulnerable villages. CRS and our partners work closely with local authorities to provide comprehensive emergency response plans. Your generous gift of $30 will help train 10 community members for one year.

Regular price $250.00

The Condoms4Life kit includes campaign posters and postcards (in English, Spanish or French as needed), fact sheets about HIV/AIDS prevention, a history of statements and actions by Catholic prelates supporting and opposing condom use, and our brochure Sex in the HIV/AIDS Era, A Guide for Catholics. These materials reinforce the campaign messages that Good Catholics Use Condoms and that People of Faith Use Condoms.

Regular price $75.00

Your gift will provide new learning opportunities to impoverished children. This educational project helps train teachers in new teaching methods so they can educate children, especially girls, in poor areas of the Congo. Among other goals, this project distributes textbooks; chalk and blackboard paint, and gives schools the tools and materials they need to refurbish old school buildings. The education plan encourages girls to attend...

Regular price $52.00

Your gift will improve the quality of life for rural communities. Honduras is one of the poorest countries in the Americas. CRS Honduras is working with our partner to meet the water needs of poor farm families. This project includes the construction of gravity-based irrigation systems that are best suited for the rocky, hilly terrain of the project sites. It also provides education and training...

Regular price $1,000.00

Your $1,000 gift will underwrite a briefing for state-level prochoice Catholic legislators. Catholics for a Free will make its public policy staff available to legislators in selected states to help them articulate and defend prochoice positions. We will meet with state legislators and advocacy organizations to assess their needs for information and support, strategize how to meet those needs and acquaint them with the resources...

Regular price $90.00

Your gift will provide small loans to reduce poverty and suffering. Many women in rural Egypt contribute to their household income by operating small home businesses, but often have a hard time breaking even. CRS and Egyptian partners provide loans and technical assistance to women in Minia who wish to increase their family incomes by starting or expanding small businesses such as raising small animals...

Regular price $40.00

As you might imagine, the most pressing needs are safe (and dry) shelter, food, and clean water. Many water pumps are submerged and wells are polluted. An emergency kit, which costs CRS only $40 to provide per family, contains vital relief supplies, including tarps, water purifiers, kitchen sets, buckets, and 10-day rations of high-protein food. We've been able to reach 70,000 families across the region...

Your tax-deductible contribution will support the important work of your favorite Catholic Charity and help make the world a better place. You can make this donation in a friend's name, and have us send a beautiful, personalized printed greeting card to make it a truly memorable gif    

Contribute any amount to fund any type of resource to support your favorite schools and teachers, and help the students you care about.  

Regular price $1,000.00

CFFC will send one-year subscriptions to our award winning newsjournal CONSCIENCE to 100 university libraries in Europe, Asia and Africa to insure that students in Europe where historically progressive positions on reproductive rights are being challenged, and in Asia and Africa where the struggle towards enlightened public policy continues, have access to information and opinion from the US and around the world. CONSCIENCE, the national...