A Gift Card
Arts and Culture
Basic Needs
Countries and Regions
- Adult Education
- After School
- Any College or University
- Any Library
- Any School or Teacher
- Arts Education
- Early Childhood Edu
- Education
- Financial Literacy
- Higher Education
- K-12 Education
- Libraries
- Literacy
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- Robotics
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- Special Education
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Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)
Religious Charities
Schools and Teachers
Regular price $4000 $40.00
Your gift helps build bridges between Covenant and the Presbyterian Church in Luyano, Havana. Churched and unchurched Cubans better see the face of Christ through Cuban & American Christians at this difficult time in Cuba. Bridges help facilitate much-needed clothes, OTC medicines & supplies to meet our sister church’s basic needs. Bridges benefit Cuban Christians through our friendship, prayers and encouragement. Our recurring presence, 17...
Regular price $45000 $450.00
You are paying for one person to go on a 10 day mission trip with Global Frontier Missions at no cost.
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Your gift will provide a Bible for a family in need in Zambia, helping them to live with a more Godly spirit. Your gift will be delivered to a Zambian family in need by the Alliance for Children Everywhere, who are working faithfully in Zambia to improving many aspects of life: providing meals for children in school, medical care for orphans, and scholarships for middle...
Regular price $100 $1.00
This $1 gift will provide a complete year of culturally relevant, age-appropriate Bible lessons to a child in the poorest and most hopeless regions of the world. A seven-year-old boy like Tomelo in South Africa or nine-year-old girl like Angela in Albania could receive the Good News of Jesus Christ in weekly Bible lessons for an entire year for only $1. . . and that’s...
Regular price $4000 $40.00
For over 100 years, Presbyterian Children’s Homes & Services (PCHS) have provided a safe, Christian living environment for children ages birth to 18 who have suffered from many crises. Almost 60 group and foster care homes are located across the state serving more than 200 children who can no longer live at home. Support services such as parenting classes, life skills training, mental health referrals...
Regular price $3500 $35.00
Your gift will provide a Bible for an individual or family, one they can read or hear in their own language. Bibles that include both OT and NT will be provided when available. If not, then NT or audio portions will be provided.
Regular price $3000 $30.00
The gift will provide sponsorship of a new resident for one-week. Texas Reachout provides a structured, Christ-centered, drug and alcohol-free living environment that promotes spiritual growth and discipleship for Christian men and women recently released from prison. Food, clothing, and shelter are immediately provided for new residents. Residents then receive Christian mentors, participate in life skills and job readiness training, attend worship, and receive help...
Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Christian Charity and help make the world a better place.
Any amount
Contribute any amount to fund any type of resource to support your favorite schools and teachers, and help the students you care about.
Regular price $4000 $40.00
This gift will provide 40 needy children with a complete year of culturally relevant, age-appropriate Bible lessons. Can you imagine how it would feel to personally help that many children enter and grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? It would feel incredible, wouldn’t it? Children make up to 80 percent of new believers, aside from those born into the church. Yet even today,...