A Gift Card

Arts and Culture

Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)

Schools and Teachers


Regular price $50.00

This gift will provide emergency wardrobes for children who have ended up in shelters on short notice as a result of domestic violence.

Regular price $40.00

At this critical time in a woman’s life, when she has sought safety in a domestic violence shelters, Ms. is there to provide knowledge and empowerment. Reaching out to women in domestic violence shelters serves the mission of Ms. magazine, impacting the lives of battered women by exposing them to new perspectives and ideas about self-sufficiency, women’s empowerment, social change movements, and community activism. Through...

Regular price $500.00

This gift will provide us the opportunity to include other professionals in the training, increasing our training opportunities and ultimately reach more survivors by having rooms available 24/7 in every timezone worldwide.

Regular price $75.00

Battered immigrant women face a unique set of challenges as they struggle for safety in the United States. By supporting this program you will help educate 25 women about their legal rights and help them develop new leadership skills so they can become involved in changing the policies and social norms that directly affect them and their children. As emerging leaders, immigrant women play a...

Regular price $150.00

Your donation in support the FVPF’s advanced training programs for Pediatricians and other healthcare providers will not only help save the life of a child, it will help break the cycle of violence that so often follows a victim of child abuse or a child who witnessed violence early in life. Your gift of training for ten pediatricians will enable them to better serve their...

Regular price $200.00

Your contribution will sponsor one high school teacher for a year to participate in the FVPF’s newest training program for high school teachers. Working with teachers to develop strategies and create opportunities that challenge students to consider the role of violence in intimate relationships - we are working on the frontlines of violence prevention. So often our children spend more time with teachers than their...

Regular price $20.00

Your donation will train 10 supervisors, supplying companies with appropriate resources for working women who are in abusive situations at home. The Family Violence Prevention Fund provides employers with model programs, policies, awareness materials (brochures, posters, information cards, etc.) and resources that they can use to assist women at work who are in need of help. Your gift of resources for women at work will...

Regular price $15.00

Your contribution will support the FVPF as we continue to work with lawmakers in Congress and throughout the U.S. to pass legislation that provides direct assistance and funding to local shelters, hotlines, and other crisis services.

Regular price $75.00

Your gift to sponsor a midwife will ensure that she receives the proper training and education necessary to appropriately and safely support her clients, pregnant Mexican women. The training program that traditional midwives go through is necessary in order to reinforce special information and skills regarding violence in the home. In addition, your gift will promote networking and alliance-building between midwives and healthcare providers in...

Regular price $150.00

Your donation will help thousands of pregnant women realize safe and healthy pregnancies by training ten OB/GYNs on how to better serve patients who are pregnant and their newborns. Through the FVPF’s advanced training programs OB/GYNs are trained on how to recognize signs of abuse and how to move pregnant victims in crisis to services for help. Your contribution will allow for greater education and...

Regular price $50.00

Your gift of a See It and Stop It action kit for high school students committed to preventing dating violence will be provided by FVPF. The See It and Stop It campaign is an unprecedented public education campaign developed by and for teens. Action kits contain posters, radio announcements, television ads, an online toolkit, and information on recognizing signs of dating violence, how to stop...

Regular price $200.00

Your gift will provide one security camera for the Lewis House Renovation Project and help us continue our vital work for victims of abuse.

Regular price $25.00

Your gift will buy one gallon of paint for the Lewis House Renovation Project and help us continue our vital work for victims of abuse.

Regular price $100.00

Your gift will buy 40 floor tiles for the Lewis House Renovation Project and help us continue our vital work for victims of abuse.

Regular price $25.00

This gift will provide legal advocacy and support services to women and children experiencing domestic violence through Lewis House safe home. Your gift will provide victims of domestic violence with a safe place to stay where they can sort through their options. We offer support throughout the court proceedings, support groups for women and children, resources to help victims establish new housing and support to...

Regular price $100.00

FVPF made a commitment to help curb family violence among the isolated communities where American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) women and children live and work. FVPF provides technical assistance and training as the clearinghouse for the National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence. For this program we partnered with: Indian Health Service, Administration for Children and Families, Sacred Circle, the National Resource Center to End Violence...

Regular price $50.00

Support writers in need by contributing to PEN’s Writers’ Fund. Recent grant recipients include: a prize-winning poet who escaped domestic violence and was struggling to support herself, her 19-month-old son, and her mother; an elderly writer of six books, hundreds of articles, and short fiction who, through a Medicare bureaucratic error, was unable to pay for the treatment she needed; and a mid-career novelist and...

Regular price $125.00

Now more than ever, boys need the time and energy of their fathers, grandfathers, uncles and brothers. The boys they teach and coach all need their help to grow into healthy young men. Boys need lots of advice, especially on how to behave towards girls. Boys are watching how the older men in their lives treat women. They need to learn that real men don't...

Regular price $30.00

Your gift of Playbooks will support coaches in one school district for a year. The Coaching Boys into Men Playbook for coaches was written in partnership with famous professional coaches such as M.L. Carr, Coach K, Joe Torre, to name a few, along with several champion high school coaches across the country. The Playbook works off a series of “teachable moment" instructing coaches on what...

Regular price $50.00

Your gift will buy one new light fixture for the Lewis House Renovation Project and help us continue our vital work for victims of abuse.