A Gift Card
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Religious Charities
Schools and Teachers
Regular price $1000 $10.00
BRAC’s Community Health Promoters (CHPs) are the first point of contact between the community members and the public and private health provider’s network. Every month, a CHP visits 200 households—reaching roughly 1,000 individuals—and provides health education, free pregnancy and infant check-ups, and keeps a record of their clients’ health so they can be referred to a doctor as needed. Your $10 gift can support a...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
A pilot test run for Opportunity International microfinance borrowers in Zambia demonstrated that there is a significant demand among clients for insurance. We also discovered that insurance companies are willing to provide access to poor entrepreneurs. The purpose of this project is to establish a “Micro Insurance Agency," which will enable Opportunity to extend insurance services to borrowers of other microfinance networks and rural banks,...
Regular price $16000 $160.00
A donation of $160 will help an adult pursue a better life through job training and counseling. Our residents receive career counseling, resume assistance, pre-employment training and direct job placement. A donation will also help us develop crucial partnerships with local employers which allow us to find quality jobs for our residents. We have had success finding quality jobs for our residents. Just ask Ebony...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
One of IWMI’s most important mandates is its role in capacity building to strengthen its own field research capacity and make a strong contribution to professional development of water resources researchers, especially those from developing countries. Your gift will help us disseminate our research materials to educational institutions in Africa that could serve as course material and learning tools for students of water management and...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
One of IWMI’s most important mandates is its role in capacity building to strengthen its own field research capacity and make a strong contribution to professional development of water resources researchers, especially those from developing countries. Your gift will help us disseminate our research materials to educational institutions in Asia that could serve as course material and learning tools for students of water management and...
Regular price $7000 $70.00
Your donation will help extremely poor children to continue the treatment after they are released from the hospital. This gift will provide, on average, medicine for one child for one month.
Regular price $20000 $200.00
This gift will sponsor a NICU nurse at CURE Kabul for one month, providing specialized criitical care to fragile newborn babies.
Regular price $20000 $200.00
Your gift of $200 will help pay a portion of the average monthly salary for a qualified nurse working in a basic health clinic in a rural community in the developing world. Operation USA was founded on the principle that providing communities with access to adequate healthcare is the foundation of future sustainable development work. Entire communities benefit from a knowledgeable healthcare provider who gives...
Regular price $14500 $145.00
Your donation will provide provide one low-income middle school student with a personal home computer and opportunity to bridge the digital divide. Affording access to computer technology helps to ensure that educational equity can be reached.
Regular price $14500 $145.00
Your donation will provide one low-income senior with a personal home computer. Through this gift, you will be providing a senior with an opportunity to stay connected and informed.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Send trained College Summit staff to work in a school for one day with Counselors and teachers to build the college-going culture, share practices from other schools, review results, and strategize. With the help of innovative partners, College Summit shares valuable tools with all partner high schools including a scorecard that helps measure incremental and long term metrics of success. Building strong partnerships means that...
Provide Resources for Your Favorite School or Teacher
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Regular price $50000 $500.00
Give the memorable gift of resources for your favorite school or teacher. Your tax-deductible contribution will help students thrive. You can donate in a friend's name, and have us send a beautiful, personalized printed greeting card to make it a truly memorable gift. Please proceed to this page.
Regular price $500 $5.00
CCCI wants to ensure that as many people as possible have protection from the mosquitos-since there is no feasible way to eradicate all of them without harming the environment. Your gift of $5 will purchase 2 nets for people to sleep comfortably and peacefully under the net without worry of getting sick from some dreadful diseases such as malaria, encephalitis, dengue fever, and others. Parents...
Regular price $4000 $40.00
This gift will provide a sustainable, safe water supply for one person in the developing world. It might be a child who will no longer be sick and can go to school. Or a woman who will no longer have spend hours every day hauling water for her family. Your gift will provide safe water for years to come and new hope for the future....
Regular price $3,00000 $3,000.00
Your gift of $3,000 will provide a new well and a safe source of water for a town or village. From digging a well - to teaching a community how to keep it clean – to distributing water containers – your gift provides people with their most basic need. Clean water. Instead of the latest fad that’s forgotten in a few months, why not give...
Regular price $1,00000 $1,000.00
Your gift will provide safehouse supplies for one month, making sure women and children don't suffer further attacks. A safehouse provides them with protection from their attackers. There they can recover, receive medical treatment and counseling and pursue justice, if they so choose. What could be a more important gift? Your special someone will thank you for the opportunity to be a part of ending...
Regular price $25000 $250.00
A $250 loan can help a woman in Georgia diversify her inventory, purchasing shoes and clothing to sell, making her less vulnerable to changes in local market demands. And you're providing a self-employment loan, not a gift. Your donation will build discipline, responsibility, and self-confidence as women create their own business. And as each loan is repaid, the borrower's line of credit increases by an...
Regular price $20000 $200.00
Your gift will provide one security camera for the Lewis House Renovation Project and help us continue our vital work for victims of abuse.
Regular price $1200 $12.00
Your gift will provide material and teachers tools for a class. More than 90% of SEWA’s members are illiterate. Through SEWA, they receive training and learn how to use their skills to gain an income and organize for change in their communities. Your gift will promote life education for members of SEWA and their families. Puriben Aahir is a skilled artisan, but had never used...
Regular price $25000 $250.00
Rainwater harvesting systems with a capacity of 100,000 liters are enough to meet water and sanitations needs for 500 school children for 6 months. Your gift of $250 will provide clean drinking water to one family for more than one month, will help reach the total cost of $10,000 for such a storage system, and will provide trucked water supply during times of drought or...