A Gift Card
Arts and Culture
Basic Needs
Countries and Regions
- Adult Education
- After School
- Any College or University
- Any Library
- Any School or Teacher
- Arts Education
- Early Childhood Edu
- Education
- Financial Literacy
- Higher Education
- K-12 Education
- Libraries
- Literacy
- Music Education
- Robotics
- Science Research
- Special Education
- STEM Education
- Technology Access
- Vocational Education
- Youth Sports
Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)
Religious Charities
Schools and Teachers
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Make an important contribution and a special connection with the animals at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium by joining the Aquadoption program. Your Aquadoption will help pay for the feeding and care of an animal on exhibit at the Aquarium, as well as make a statement of commitment to keeping the Santa Monica Bay and its animals healthy and safe.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Your loved one will be proud to know that their gift is ensuring some of the most extraordinarily diverse, yet highly threatened places, will be protected for years and years to come.
Regular price $500 $5.00
Our trained volunteers conduct water testings throughout all coastal states of the US. The materials to conduct these tests cost $5. Within their local Surfrider Foundation chapters they can use the knowledge and fight the sources of pollution, to benefit the health of our oceans, waves and beaches!
Any amount
Your contribution will support the important work of your favorite Marine Environment Nonprofit and help make the world a better place.
Regular price $2800 $28.00
Determine the source of polluted water! Typically, a storm drain carries polluted street run-off from multiple sources. Occasionally though, it may be connected to a toilet or septic tank from a beach house,or perhaps an industrial waste discharge outfall. It is critical to determine the upstream source of any pipe that empties at your beach. This will help you figure out how to reduce or...