A Gift Card
Arts and Culture
Basic Needs
Countries and Regions
- Adult Education
- After School
- Any College or University
- Any Library
- Any School or Teacher
- Arts Education
- Early Childhood Edu
- Education
- Financial Literacy
- Higher Education
- K-12 Education
- Libraries
- Literacy
- Music Education
- Robotics
- Science Research
- Special Education
- STEM Education
- Technology Access
- Vocational Education
- Youth Sports
Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)
Religious Charities
Schools and Teachers
Regular price $1300 $13.00
This gift will provide chalk and other art supplies to spark the creativity of the sixteen orphaned children housed at Flying Kites Kinangop Children Center as well as the thirty five local children also attending our school. Exemplary education requires nurturing all facets of these children's personality, encouraging them to express themselves and recognize their place as unique individuals in the world.
Regular price $1500 $15.00
This gift will provide 15 minutes of business planning assistance to a limited-resource farmer embarking on a nontraditional enterprise. It will bring new jobs to rural communities, keep families on their family farms, grow local and organic food, and enable farm entrepreneurs to lead the way into the future. Our advisers provide workshops and on-on-one assistance on developing cash flow analysis, income projections, and other...
Any amount
Your gift will provide training resources for two college campuses to organize a Day of Interfaith Youth Service. IFYC’s Days of Interfaith Youth Service (DIYS) campaign brings together young people of diverse faith traditions or service events around the world to build relationships and encourage cooperative action. By focusing on non-divisive issues, DIYS methodology affirms the connections between each young person and their own faith...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
It’s simple: When we leverage your donation and buy in bulk, $10 is enough to pay for and install four compact fluorescent light bulbs, which makes a significant impact. Taken together, small donations will install this technology throughout thousands of apartment buildings, including common areas and workspaces, drastically reducing energy usage by making everyday lighting cleaner and greener. And by purchasing these light bulbs you...
Regular price $17500 $175.00
In the story above, a Dalit boy believed the messages of his culture and accepted that his life was worthless. But after a short time in a DFN Dalit Education Center, another boy, Babu, is able to proudly wear his uniform and say, "When I grow up, I want to be a police officer!" Through this gift you offer hope for a future to a...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your small contribution will be enough to cover the costs of a lawyer appearing for an entire court case in Burma. Think about it. This amount doesn't cover the cost of even an hour of a lawyer's time in many countries; perhaps yours too. But for a rural family in Burma, it could be the difference between having to sell precious livestock or mortgage their...
Regular price $500 $5.00
Your gift will get former child soldiers back where they belong: with their families. BVES successly works to stop child recruitment through advocacy on children's rights with policy makers and outreach to village leaders. BVES has also gained the release of thousands of child soldiers, whom BVES houses and feeds while working to reunite these children with their families. Your gift will help pay for...
Regular price $15000 $150.00
Your gift will provide one bird with surgery to repair a fractured wing and return it back into the wild.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
This gift will engage one child in the pleasure and power of reading and writing for the whole school year. Your support will provide a required match to send a professional poet, novelist, essayist, or playwright into a low-income school or underserved community center to help a child develop strong writing, thinking, and speaking skills to prepare them for a challenging world.
Regular price $7500 $75.00
Your gift will contribute to independent research into current issues affecting civil society organizations, including various questions around accountability and responsibility – where does responsibility for upholding justice lie? How can citizens ensure that organizations, governments or corporations are accountable for their actions? There is also urgent need for analysis of the legal climate for civil society in various countries (e.g. Venezuela and Zimbabwe). The...
Regular price $45000 $450.00
Our objectives are: -To teach tolerance and cultures through kids’ art -To open children’s eyes on other cultures and people -To use children’s art or other pedagogical material -To encourage a wider diffusion of cultures and children’s art to schools and children centers. -To be easily replicable and enable capacity building -To make the material used available online and in remote areas With a donation...
Regular price $7500 $75.00
CHF’s development finance institution in Afghanistan, established in March 2004, has made more than 3,200 loans to low-income men and women in the rural provinces, helping them establish or expand small businesses, such as tailoring, food services, and manufacturing. Your gift of $75 can help one woman buy a sewing machine, which will help her increase her household income by 70%. In addition, each loan...
Regular price $5,00000 $5,000.00
The gift will allow World Vets to deploy a team to one of the countries that has requested veterinary aid.
Regular price $50000 $500.00
By donating a generous $500 this holiday season, you can cover the cost of one adaptive sports clinic. At these clinics, athletes get coaching tips, meet new friends, learn about other opportunities and build their own confidence. It is also an opportunity for parents to network. Your donation will provide this experience to these child athletes and their families.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
This gift offsets the fees mentioned above and helps us educate and inspire children through learning about these different sports.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
By donating to our cause, you can fund a fellow. This donation will go towards the launching of our fellow's organization through our fellowship program.
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Ashoka searches the world for leading social entrepreneurs and at the launch stage, provide these entrepreneurs—Ashoka Fellows—a living stipend for an average of three years, allowing them to focus full-time on building their institutions and spreading their ideas. Ashoka Fellows’ impact is far-reaching and highly leveraged. For example, five years post election, 94% of Fellows are still working towards their original vision and 93% of...
Regular price $2,00000 $2,000.00
Ashoka searches the world for leading social entrepreneurs and at the launch stage, provide these entrepreneurs -- Ashoka Fellows -- a living stipend for an average of three years, allowing them to focus full-time on building their institutions and spreading their ideas. Ashoka Fellows' impact is far-reaching and highly leveraged. For example, five years post election, 94% of Fellows are still working towards their original...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
Ashoka searches the world for leading social entrepreneurs and at the launch stage, provide these entrepreneurs—Ashoka Fellows—a living stipend for an average of three years, allowing them to focus full-time on building their institutions and spreading their ideas. Ashoka Fellows’ impact is far-reaching and highly leveraged. For example, five years post election, 94% of Fellows are still working towards their original vision and 93% of...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Ashoka searches the world for leading social entrepreneurs and at the launch stage, provide these entrepreneurs—Ashoka Fellows—a living stipend for an average of three years, allowing them to focus full-time on building their institutions and spreading their ideas. Ashoka Fellows’ impact is far-reaching and highly leveraged. For example, five years post election, 94% of Fellows are still working towards their original vision and 93% of...