Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. This gift will provide chalk and other art supplies to spark the creativity of the sixteen orphaned

Foster creativity

For orphaned children



Housing and educating every single homeless and orphaned child in Kenya is impossible. Therefore, we must radically rethink the approach we are going to take. Do we provide orphaned children with merely adequate care - enough food to survive, limited education, rows of bunks beds and bowls of rice? Can we expect children raised in these conditions to be in a position to take on the challenges facing their country, to compete on a world stage?

The Gift

This gift will provide chalk and other art supplies to spark the creativity of the sixteen orphaned children housed at Flying Kites Kinangop Children Center as well as the thirty five local children also attending our school. Exemplary education requires nurturing all facets of these children's personality, encouraging them to express themselves and recognize their place as unique individuals in the world.