A Gift Card

Arts and Culture

Religious (Any Charities - Houses of Worship - Schools)

Schools and Teachers


This gift will enable one farm or other food business to be certified under Agricultural Justice Project standards. It brings fair, local, organic food to market and improves conditions for farmers and workers. The AJP's standards ensure fair working conditions and wages for people in every part of organic food production, from farmers and farm workers to retail employees. AJP provides marketplace rewards for family...

Regular price $2,000.00

As a Champion, your donation will help to fund the new facility for TEP Charter School and affirm your commitment to improving education with an emphasis on teacher equity.

Regular price $50.00

Your donation will ensure that one South Bronx low-income teen will receive one year of after-school college access and college counseling services during their high school career. The Point's after-school academic support model consists of proper education placement options, college counseling, SAT Prep, individual fundraising and financial aid services and personal leadership programming. This gift will provide access for one more high school Bronx student...

Regular price $80.00

This gift will provide a cancer patient with a Chemo Comfort kit. In the kit are products to manage the side effects of chemotherapy such as a specific toothpaste, toothbrush and mouthwash to help cope with mouthsores. Also included in the kit are teas and other products to help with nausea; a sleep cap, satin pillowcase and socks for hair loss, warmth and comfort; a...

Regular price $3.00

This gift will provide a poor child with a chick to raise and the quality feed it will need to produce eggs. Because the chicks will be produced as part of other African Children Haven projects, the children will also receive basic instructions in how to raise their birds, produce a larger flock and market their eggs for cash income.

Regular price $100.00

This gift will allow a dancer to teach one children's workshop in a domestic violence shelter. Through consistent and concentrated yearlong programming in these shelters, with 6-10 children in each workshop, we will reach over 2,000 children. MyMoves! offers a high-quality program of workshops to help children develop self-confidence and life skills such as creative problem solving, concentration, collaboration and communication. We have learned through...

Regular price $126.00

This gift will provide a year's worth of classroom supplies for the Flying Kites Kinangop Children's Center, currently housing sixteen orphaned children and educating an additional thirty five from the local area. We believe that access to high quality education is a right, and your gift will allow us to continue to provide the highest standard of care.

Regular price $15.00

Your gift focuses on the simple hygiene needs of people who’ve lost everything. Hand and body soap, sanitary napkins, laundry soap, a toothbrush, cotton gauze, and a small towel are people’s first line of defense against disease. Community education sessions on hygiene also make a big difference in people’s habits and stymie the spread of disease. Many of us take the availability of soap for...

Regular price $30.00

Your donation will make 10 square meters of land safe from the danger and devastation caused by landmines and unexploded ordnance. Locating and removing these items is painstaking and hazardous work, but it is an essential step in freeing a community from the poverty and suffering caused by conflict. This careful clearance will save innocent lives and limbs and return safe land to people who...

Regular price $15.00

Your gift will help return 10 square meters of land to productive use by clearing it of landmines. Cleared land allows the return of refugees and internally displaced people, clearing access for humanitarian workers carrying food and water, clearing major infrastructure such as electrical grids or irrigation systems to provide energy or water to entire regions and by clearing agricultural land or factories to provide...

Regular price $6.00

A fuel efficient cook stove that is proven to reduce firewood and charcoal use by 40%, increase fuel-related savings, and also reduce indoor air pollution dramatically improving the respiratory health of the women using them and their families. These stoves have a documented record of performance, saving a family a minimum of $35 annually in fuel costs, reducing charcoal consumption by 0.64 kg of charcoal...

Regular price $25.00

Our All Options clergy counselors provide free, compassionate and supportive counseling to pregnant women or girls facing difficult reproductive health decisions. Our trained clergy counselors helps these women and their families explore their reproductive options as well as what their religion teaches about abortion and a woman’s right to make reproductive health decisions according to her faith and conscience. Your gift will support an All...

Regular price $5.00

This gift will help provide clergy people and religious leaders an opportunity to lobby elected officials in Washington, DC.

Regular price $120.00

A class set of hand lenses, 60, can change how Afghan children see their world and motivate them to study hard.

Regular price $150.00

Your gift will provide t-shirts for 50 children who attend the Athletics & Academics Camps in St. Vincent & the Grenadines. The t-shirt is a lasting reminder of the fun that the kids had at the camp and of the lessons they learned. We still see kids around the country wearing their t-shirts from the camps we held in 2007!

Regular price $50.00

This gift will provide for 1 months maintenance of the Clothing Lending Program for the porters. Our clothing stock includes waterproof ski jackets, rain jackets and pants, fleece pullovers, hats, gloves, scarves, socks, and boots. We are currently providing gear for 300 porters per month.

Regular price $10.00

The Wayqecha Biological Research Station is located in the Kosñipata Valley on the eastern slopes of the Andes Mountains of southeastern Peru, four hours from Cuzco. The station sits on approximately 8,200 acres spanning 7,200 - 12,000 feet above sea-level, from Andean cloud forest to grassland. Your gift of $10 per child sponsors an all day field trip to the research station for students from...

Regular price $50.00

$50 makes it possible for Boundless Playgrounds to coach a parent of a child with disabilities on how to bring a Boundless™ playground to his/her community so that his/her child can play side by side with other children. Boundless™ playgrounds are tailor-made for the way children are naturally drawn to play, plus they are universally accessible so everyone can play side by side at his...

Regular price $25.00

This gift will provide a a warm coat, hat, scarf, and gloves for a child living in a New York City shelter.

Regular price $50.00

sends a young technologist to the Code2040 Summit, where they can connect with peers and mentors   ### Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est