A Gift Card
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Schools and Teachers
Regular price $9100 $91.00
Your donation reduces 20,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions to neutralize the impact of a year's worth of driving an SUV. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction of...
Regular price $5400 $54.00
Your donation reduces 12,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions to neutralize the impact of a year’s worth of driving a Full Size vehicle. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the...
Regular price $1100 $11.00
Your donation reduces 2,000 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions to neutralize the impact of 6,000 miles of flying. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions...
Regular price $3600 $36.00
Your donation will offset over 8,000 pounds of carbon dioxide produced from an efficient car and will be an important step in the fight against global warming. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the...
Regular price $2700 $27.00
This gift will neutralize 5,998.91 lbs of CO2 or 2.72 tons, the equivalent of a fuel efficient vehicles footprint. Carbonfund.org will support renewable energy, such as wind and solar; energy efficiency and reforestation projects that offset these carbon dioxide emissions. Our climate-friendly projects are in the United States, India, Nicaragua, Brazil, China and other parts of the world. By supporting the reduction of carbon dioxide...
Regular price $15000 $150.00
For $150, you can help stop the spread of HIV/AIDS by supporting PAI's advocacy work on behalf of comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention efforts that address the full range of needs in developing countries. It is only through sound policies and adequate funding that the global community can win the battle against the disease.
Regular price $4500 $45.00
Your kind gift will aid us in working with local Haitian communities so that they may escape the bonds of drought, famine, and malnutrition through improved farming techniques, and income generating projects. These include: a microcredit program that enables poor women to build their farms or buisnesses, and classes that help women to market and sell their goods so that they may escape poverty's grip.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will fund the research, production, and free distribution of one report on the sanitary impacts associated with wild animal trafficking. The project has the objective of strengthening and increasing the fight against wild animal trafficking in Brazil and abroad, through the dissemination of information on the risks wild animals can represent to world health and economics, by the spreading of diseases this activity...
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Your donation will provide one desperately needed spay/neuter surgery. IDA India performs nearly 1,000 spay/neuter surgeries a month! While much work remains to be done, these actions are crucial to reducing the huge population of homeless animals in India.
Regular price $2,50000 $2,500.00
Here at the ASPCA, we are doing all we can to combat pet overpopulation—from providing low-cost or free spay/neuter to qualifying pet owners in New York City’s five boroughs to ensuring that each and every animal adopted from our shelter is spayed or neutered. And spaying and neutering is not only for the greater good—it’s good for the health of the individual animal, too. Spaying...
Stop Sexual Assault
Prevention education
Regular price $1500 $15.00
Your $15 donation will provide one young man or woman with a sexual assault prevention education program. a) The Girl’s Assertiveness and Self-Defense training incorporates awareness skills, assertiveness skills, positive self-image, and physical self-defense techniques. These trainings empower young women to value their bodies and fight to protect them if the need were ever to arise. b) The MyStrength Club is specifically designed to reach...
Regular price $20000 $200.00
Your gift of a Teen "Kick Like a Girl" full scholarship is the gift of safety for a young woman who will go into the world more confident, more courageous and without fear holding her back from achieving her dreams. With the practical Impact self-defense techniques she learns in her 10-hr training class with a padded mock assailant, she will learn that she is worth...
Regular price $50000 $500.00
Your gift will provide support for education materials, letter writing campaigns and direct negotiations with municipal governments in several developing countries to bring an end to the poisoning.
Regular price $4500 $45.00
Your gift will fund one trip by an activist to help document and report ongoing abusive practices against these communities. Because of the work of Fund grantee Green Advocates, these local communities are starting to organize, resist, and generate media attention. More attention and funds are needed to help these rural communities develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to protect and promote their civil rights...
Regular price $7500 $75.00
The Global Fund for Children supports grassroots organizations working directly with victims of commercial and sexual trafficking, empowering the victims and preventing further exploitation. Your gift will help provide shelters and holistic social services programs to children and adolescents, while giving them life skills and an education to start their journey toward a brighter future.
Regular price $7500 $75.00
This gift provides the metal plate used to correct the bowed or crooked leg of a disabled child in the developing world. This gift can free a child from the stigma, ridicule and pain of their condition.
Regular price $3300 $33.00
Your gift will enable Equality Now to produce and distribute Women's Action campaign alerts to approximately 50 members of the Women's Action Network, who voice their opposition to human rights violations against women and girls by contacting government authorities, circulating petitions and raising awareness in their communities. When governments encounter protest from around the world, they know they are being held accountable for these human...
Regular price $25000 $250.00
This gift will provide tuition for a child living in an NYC shelter to attend summer camp. Summer camp allows the children to garner important social, creative, and educational experiences. We apply for scholarships and pay the remaining tuition so the children may attend a camp of their choice.
Regular price $7500 $75.00
This gift will provide a family resource center with the complete collection of OAR guidebooks, including all five "Life Journey through Autism" guides and "The Best of the OARacle: Selected Articles from 2002-2007." Lending libraries at these resource centers will grant families in the community greater access to these and other learning tools.
Regular price $3200 $32.00
The Dalit Freedom Network (DFN) works towards equal education and employment opportunities for all Dalits by offering a subsidized, quality English-medium education for Dalit children through 67 Dalit Education Centers throughout North & South India. By the end of 2007, 12 new schools will open and our goal is to operate 100 schools by 2009. Often, the shortage of desks forces younger students to sit...