Fight Disinformation
250 HIV posters
Condoms4Life is an unprecedented worldwide public education effort by Catholics for a Free Choice to raise public awareness about the devastating effect of the bishops’ ban on condom use - even to prevent the transmission of HIV. Through advocacy and provocative ad campaigns, Condoms4Life challenges the bishops on the ban, educates activists and health care providers and mobilizes citizens around the world to protest the injustice of this ban.
The Gift
Your gift will allow CFFC to send our Condoms4Life posters to 250 clinics in Africa where the HIV/AIDS epidemic continues to rage. These materials reinforce the campaign messages that Good Catholics Use Condoms and that People of Faith Use Condoms. These messages are vitally important since Catholic prelates in Africa have spread untruths about the efficacy of condoms in preventing transmission of the virus. Condoms4Life makes sure that the C in the ABC strategy - Abstain, Be faithful and use Condoms – will not be ignored.