Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. A $5000 contribution can sponsor an entire FINCA Village Banking group (25-30 members) for three loa

Empower A Village

One year of banking



For most people in poverty, estimated at 1.5 billion worldwide, a modest amount of capital can make it possible to start a business or improve one. FINCA offers a distinctive, economical and effective method of providing essential working capital.

The Gift

A $5000 contribution can sponsor an entire FINCA Village Banking group (25-30 members) for three loan cycles, or one year. FINCA agrees to raise the additional loan capital needed to support the group in later cycles. And you're providing a self-employment loan, not a gift. Your donation will build discipline, responsibility, and self-confidence as women create their own business. And as each loan is repaid, the borrower's line of credit increases by an amount equal to her accumulated savings.