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Regular price $50000 $500.00
Village Earth's Adopt-A-Buffalo campaign helps Lakota families reclaim their legally allotted lands from the BIA leasing system and access the resources needed to live on, protect, and utilize it, helping to return the balance between economy, ecology, and culture. To date - we have helped start two new Lakota owned buffalo ranches, and expand two more. We have also helped develop a marketing cooperative to...
Regular price $17500 $175.00
Goats are low-cost, high-yield livestock that can quickly and sustainably improve a family's livelihood, providing milk and offspring for food and income. Your gift will provide one goat for a family, a warm, fuzzy gift that keeps on giving.
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Goats are tough to be certain, yet they are amazingly gentle. So friendly, in fact, that it is the children who often care for a family's goat--building bonds and learning lifesaving skills. Heifer goats can give a family up to a gallon of milk every day. Many families use what's left over to make yogurts, cheeses or sell at the market for income to pay...
Regular price $12000 $120.00
Goats are tough to be certain, yet they are amazingly gentle. So friendly, in fact, that it is the children who often care for a family's goat--building bonds and learning lifesaving skills. Heifer goats can give a family up to a gallon of milk every day. Many families use what's left over to make yogurts, cheeses or sell at the market for income to pay...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
When a family has a cow, every morning there's a glass of rich milk for the children to drink before heading off to school. Classes are paid for with the sale of extra milk because with high-quality heifers, there is more than enough milk to go around. And cows can even help crops grow as their fertilizing manure is mixed into the soil.
Regular price $2000 $20.00
Llamas and alpacas have special hooves that do not damage the fragile ecosystem--helping communities preserve what little resources are available. And unlike other animals, they can carry heavy loads at high altitudes. Plus, their fine wool is highly prized and provides families with clothing to stay warm and income opportunities that are so hard to come by in the region.
Regular price $20000 $200.00
Your gift of $200 will help build a well that can provide sustainable access to clean water for rural farmers to use for personal consumption, for their animals' consumption, and for their farming activities. In addition, improved water usage mitigates the environmental crises that cause chronic drought and access to clean drinking water empowers the women and children who are otherwise forced to carry water...
Regular price $50000 $500.00
When a family has a cow, every morning there's a glass of rich milk for the children to drink before heading off to school. Classes are paid for with the sale of extra milk because with high-quality heifers, there is more than enough milk to go around. And cows can even help crops grow as their fertilizing manure is mixed into the soil.
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Ecoagriculture Partners helps local groups to stay informed about important negotiations affecting ecoagriculture, develop the skills for effective advocacy, and mobilize financial support to cover their travel costs. Your gift will enable a community leader to attend an Ecoagriculture Leadership Course; coach local leaders on how to advocate and negotiate on behalf of their communities; and bring a farmer delegate to an important national or...
Regular price $3000 $30.00
Your gift of Heifer International honeybees includes a bee package, the box and hive, and training in the latest beekeeping techniques. And since bees require relatively little space and have low maintenance costs, your gift of honeybees is a great way to help provide nutrition and income to families living in extreme poverty.
Regular price $20000 $200.00
With this gift, you give family farmers in trouble the hope and support they need to survive and thrive after a crisis. Our farm advocates have decades of experience. They provide confidential support, business planning advice, and financial counseling. They advocate for farmers during visits with lenders and arbitrators. Independent family farmers work hard to build their communities, tend the land, care for their families...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Trees have many functions on small family farms. Their roots hold precious top soil in place, and the branches of some varieties provide vitamin-laden fruit--a ready source of both nutrition and income. And in regions where cooking is still done with firewood, families with trees can use fallen branches instead of purchasing or poaching from forest reserves.
Regular price $2500 $25.00
This gift sends five copies of "Come to the Table: How People of Faith Can Relieve Hunger and Support Local Farms in North Carolina" to a church or other faith community. Houses of faith can build projects that bring local food to families in need, supporting local farms and feeding the hungry. Already, churches have used this guidebook to start community gardens, hold local-food dinners,...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift enables farmers to learn about new federal laws that protect them from fraud and unfair business practices. These rights can make a crucial difference to farm families, but they are buried in obscure regulations. For instance, farmers no longer have to sign away their right to take a company to court when they sign a contract. In the past, most contracts required that...
Regular price $2000 $20.00
Fully grown, a single hen can lay more than 200 eggs per year. So your starter flock of 10 to 50 chicks will provide plenty of protein-rich eggs to eat, to sell at the market for income, or to pass on the gift to other families in need. And because chickends need very little space and thrive on readily available feed or pests like insects,...
Regular price $1000 $10.00
Pig farming has a long tradition in rural farming communities of Vietnam, such as Thua Hue and especially among landless, ethnic minorities where pig farming is a practical and efficient way for farmers to produce additional revenue for family survival. Pig production has been identified as an exceptionally promising entry point for income generation in the region due to the high market demand for pork,...
Regular price $5000 $50.00
At a cost of $50, a treadle pump allows a farmer to move 6,000 liters of water per hour from depths of up to 33 feet and to distances of over 300 feet (one football field). Using them a farming family can double its annual income generated from vegetable production ($300 to $1,700 per farming family, depending on the country context). A simple, affordable gift...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Though volatility in global coffee prices continues to pose a challenge to the livelihoods of small farmers, it has also created opportunity for positive transformation in the horticulture industry. Diversification out of low-grade coffee into high-value horticultural crops will increase small farmer income and reduce poverty. A $100 gift will generate enough income to pay the annual health care costs for one family.
Regular price $500 $5.00
Your gift will allow IDE to respond to the urgent needs of our communities, allowing us to have the greatest impact on the greatest number of people. IDE will use your gift to fund needed training and empowerment programs for women in the rural areas of countries IDE works. IDE will put your money to work where it will have the greatest influence on rural...
Regular price $30000 $300.00
Your gift will provide a KickStart Super MoneyMaker Pump for one family, lifting them out of poverty. What does "out of poverty" look like? It means a family has enough food to eat, decent clothes and shelter, enough money to send their children to school and still have money left over to invest in the future. That's what KickStart creates.