A Gift Card
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Schools and Teachers
Regular price $8000 $80.00
In countries where human rights are often violated, legal aid plays a crucial role: the most decisive indicator of the reduction of abuse and torture is the early presence of a defense attorney. By actively working with local legal aid offices and lawyers, we can prevent human rights abuses from ever happening. 20 IBJ-authored legal aid reference booklets will go to 20 legal aid offices,...
Regular price $500 $5.00
Your gift will promote learning and dialogue through one training manual. Women Hold Up The Sky is a dramatic series of training videos about the Women's Convention and its relevance to women's lives. Along with the included training manual, these materials bring the Human Rights Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) alive for women and men around the world. CEDAW is the...
Regular price $10000 $100.00
Your gift will bring one day of much needed training on Workplace and Human Rights to a factory worker or manager. This is achieved by bringing a worker from an SA8000 Certified factory to share their experience and knowledge to other factories and farms. Benefits include higher quality of life for workers, families and surrounding communities.
Regular price $3500 $35.00
In countries where human rights are often violated, legal aid plays a crucial role: the most decisive indicator of the reduction of abuse and torture is the early presence of a defense attorney. By actively working with local legal aid offices and lawyers, we can prevent human rights abuses from ever happening. Training local defense lawyers is an important step to building fairer justice systems....
Regular price $25000 $250.00
Your gift will provide a 2-3 day human rights training session for one person. Every person must become a mentor and a monitor of human rights as a way to achieve economic and social justice, peace and human security. Human rights are a powerful tool to sustain actions for the community to have food, education, housing, health and work at livable wages. This can be...
Regular price $2,50000 $2,500.00
Support a campaign developed to effect social and economic transformation, and promote a new political culture based on human rights. Through learning about human rights, women and men examine the patriarchal system, moving to embrace a human rights framework as the only way to achieve equality and overcome discrimination. Through dialogue they “discover," and analyze how universal oppressions of patriarchy work, particularly racism, nationalism and...
Regular price $3000 $30.00
Supporting an hour of consultation with a lawyer or other technical expert will help secure justice and could save lives. Expertise will be used to investigate and support cases where civil society activists are charged and imprisoned, to advise on human rights legislation, or to develop technical materials for use by local organizations in their fight for civil liberties. In the context of the global...