Project STOP!
Spay and Neuter
“For every human born, seven puppies and kittens are born” ( A female cat and her offspring can reproduce 420,000 in 7 years, while a female dog and her offspring can reproduce 67,000 in 6. An October 2006 statistic published by The Humane Society of the U. S. ( reports that over 6 million cats and dogs enter shelters per year. An equally staggering statistic is an estimated 4,000 to 6,000 animal shelters exists in the U. S., averaging 600 animals per shelter.
The Gift
Dreampower Animal Rescue Foundation is committed to the spaying and the neutering of animals. Your donation today helps low-income or fixed-income pet guardians spay and neuter their beloved pets. Your generous, tax deductible, donation will help reduce the staggering over-population animal statistics in the U.S. and further reduce our number of homeless pets in the U.S.