Give a Child a Face
Remove Burn Scars
In developing countries, the cooking is normally done on charcoal fires. Small children play around these hot fires freely and clothing catches on the utensils and in the coals themselves. Frequently, the resulting fire goes up the child's torso and burns the face resulting in horrible scarring. Not just the face is involved, but the scalp as well, making the entire head disfigured. Help is normally far away and transportation difficult at best. Left alone, these kids turn into beggars.
The Gift
Your gifts will enable us to bring plastic surgery to these children and keep them in a more normal life. We can relieve much of the scarring and remodel some of the damage done by the fires. In the process, we will be teaching doctors and nurses in the home countries how to perform the surgeries there so that more children can have the procedures done after we leave. As part of this, scarring on arms and legs can also be released so that children can walk, go to school, and perform work instead of sitting on street corners begging for money. Your gifts will brighten a yound person's life immeasurably by allowing them to re-enter life as a normal human being instead of a corrupted ugly being.