Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. Your gift will provide a prosthetic leg to a landmine survivor.  Most Adopt-A-Minefield survivor ass

Speed Recovery

One prosthetic leg



Landmines are designed to maim and incapacitate. They are activated by the victim, rather than exploding on impact as other weapons do. Long after wars are over and peace treaties are signed, landmines continue to threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. In fact, the global landmine crisis is one of the most pervasive problems of our time.

The Gift

Your gift will provide a prosthetic leg to a landmine survivor. Most Adopt-A-Minefield survivor assistance programs build prosthetics in on-site facitilties. By providing prosthetics, landmine survivors can regain their indepence, rejoin their communities, and return to work.