Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. Since 1990 The Nature Conservancy has been building partnerships and alliances with ranchers, landow

Bigger is Better!

Save Northern Jaguar



Today there is only ONE reported jaguar living in the U.S. Deforestation and hunting have led to their decline. The only way to save the jaguars is to save their habitat … and jaguars need a lot of room. This solitary, powerful cat has no interest in national boundaries. They roam from as far south as Patagonia all the way to Arizona and New Mexico. So if we want to increase the number of jaguars – large landscape conservation needs to be on a national and international level.

The Gift

Since 1990 The Nature Conservancy has been building partnerships and alliances with ranchers, landowners and conservationists to protect the over 10 million-acre range of the northern jaguar. Help save this animal from extinction and by protecting the habitat of the northern jaguar today.