Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. Your donation will provide 40 copies of research articles that contain the latest findings around th

Promote Research

40 homeless articles



The tragedy of homelessness affects more than 1 million children every year. However, little attention is given to this issue because homeless families are not on the streets. They are living in shelters, cars, or doubled-up in apartments. With this lack of visibility comes a lack of understanding about how best to serve homeless families. Your help will allow quality research to reach those who are serving homeless families.

The Gift

Your donation will provide 40 copies of research articles that contain the latest findings around the issue of family homelessness. These articles will be given to policymakers, shelter workers, and community-level providers to ensure they understand how best to help homeless families. Thanks to your gift, these decision-makers and service providers will learn about the causes and consequences of family homelessness. This will give them the knowledge and information they need to make better decisions and create innovative programs that will truly make a difference to homeless families.