Fund Climate Research
Climate change solutions
Corporate and government leaders urgently need to understand the threat of climate change and then to develop new partnerships and actions to address that threat. In order to act, they also need targeted research that documents the benefits of taking action, and the solutions available to them today by reducing emissions, adopting clean and renewable energy, and communicating with clients and customers on climate change action.
The Gift
Gifts will be dedicated to the costs of researching solutions. The Climate Group provides case studies and targeted research for corporate and government leaders wishing to tackle climate change. Forthcoming reports include the third edition of Carbon Down Profits Up, which documents the strategies of corporations, governments, and municipalities that have successfully reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and Tracking The Low Carbon Economy, a forthcoming report on service providers for the low carbon economy, such as wind and solar power providers or new energy investment companies. Other case studies focus on regional solutions, such as the economic benefits of California’s action plan (which The Climate Group helped to draft). Donors at the suggested gift level or above will be thanked on the report of their choosing.