Support Local Media
Strong and independent
Radio station licenses are finite and competition for available radio stations continues to escalate as noncommercial and commercial broadcasters expand their networks. Expanding public radio benefits the people across this country and the public radio organizations that serve them. PRC is the only non-profit organization dedicated to helping public radio broadcasters compete for acquisition opportunities. Without Public Radio Capital's presence in the marketplace, many public service radio stations would be lost.
The Gift
Your gift will be used to support broad-based efforts to make sure that locally owned independent media remains strong in the United States. Whether your gift is used towards working to save a favorite public radio program in a local community or used to assist a station starting up a new youth-oriented public radio service - your gift will allow citizens of the United States to become better-informed contributors to a healthier democratic society. Your $25 funds a conversation with Public Radio Capital about expanding public radio in a local community.