Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. YouthAIDS, an education and prevention program of PSI, uses media, pop culture, music, theater and s

Save A Young Person

HIV/AIDS education



33.2 million people now live with HIV. In 2007, approximately 2.5 million people were infected with HIV. Half of all new infections occur among young people aged 15 - 24.

The Gift

YouthAIDS, an education and prevention program of PSI, uses media, pop culture, music, theater and sports to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and reach 600 million young people in more than 60 countries with life-saving messages, products, services and care. \ At PSI, we make it our business to ensure that young people are equipped with the necessary education and information to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. Just $10 can help save a life by providing a youth with life-saving education, products, service and care for one year. Think of how many lives you can save!