Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. Purchasing a generator for a community clinic is the perfect gift for someone who understands the ne

Keep the Lights On

One power generator



Power outages immediately following a natural disaster can have deadly effects. Community clinics are not as equipped to cope with disasters as government-funded hospitals, yet they, too, must continue to operate during the acute phase of an emergency. During a disaster, community clinics often become the makeshift community center, as we witnessed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Enabling them to provide emergency services will help save lives.

The Gift

Purchasing a generator for a community clinic is the perfect gift for someone who understands the need to continue working especially during challenging situations. Operation USA works to diminish the effects of an emergency by supplying the very basic power that a community clinic needs to operate. By purchasing an emergency generator, community clinics are able to continue to operation and serve as a safe haven for neighbors who could be turned away from hospitals.