Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. Your $5.00 gift will help provide one NCOA conference attendee a full day of refreshing water, juice

Give A Coffee Break

Refreshments for a Day



You can help National Council on Aging provide refreshing bottles of water, juice, or coffee to those attending their annual conference on aging. This nationally renown conference attracts approximately 4,000 people annually and runs for a full week. Attendees spend full days talking about issues related to aging such as health and long-term care. They work together to find solutions to problems, and gain insights that help them affect positive change in their communities.

The Gift

Your $5.00 gift will help provide one NCOA conference attendee a full day of refreshing water, juice or coffee between sessions. Our annual conference includes lectures, workshops and special programs that offer an array of learning and networking opportunities that may begin as early as 8:00 a.m., and run until 8:00 p.m. Breaks with refreshments are really appreciated by those working with and on behalf of the elderly. Your name will be added to a card which will be displayed prominently on the refreshment table.