Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. This gift will provide a sponsorship for a woman with a disability to participate in Mobility Intern

Empower Women

Leadership training



People with disabilities, particularly women and girls, consistently rank among the poorest of the poor; yet continue to be overlooked. The exclusion of women and girls with disabilities from development hinders the process of achieving their human rights. If development is truly to address the needs of the poor and marginalized, the inclusion of women with disabilities is crucial.

The Gift

This gift will provide a sponsorship for a woman with a disability to participate in Mobility International USA's Women's Institute on Leadership and Disability (WILD). This 3-week, life-changing program challenges women from around the world to go beyond their preconceived notions. Disabled women flourish through interactive workshops, an outdoor ropes challenge course and whitewater rafting. WILD women truly are changing the world as they return to their countries with new tools and a commitment to address issues of critical importance to women and girls with disabilities.