Myanmar Orphanage
Help Myanmar Orphans
Dear friend, As relief efforts are underway in Myanmar (formerly Burma), you can help provide critical aid to orphans from the Wins Children's home which was damaged by the recent cyclone. We are praying that the children will not get sick and also they will have enough safe water and food. Please help International Interns address this need. \
The Gift
You can help the 11 girls and 13 boys, ages 8 - 14 at the Win Orphanage Home receive clothing, food and clean water for one month by donating $40 for each child. International Interns ministry partners on the ground in Myanmar will see that these children are housed and fed with your help. Myanmar Cyclone Continues to Claim 1,000 New Victims Daily Survivors of Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar (Burma) are now “on the verge of death because of a lack of food, water or shelter from the wind, rain, and cooler weather,” according to a ministry assisted through Christian Aid Mission. It is expected that even more will die as injuries and ensuing diseases go untreated. There has been a rise in the number of cases of diarrhea, cholera, dysentery, scabies and other illnesses in the affected areas. Medical aid has been slow in arriving. The Win orphans are but a small percentage of those who are in need, every child needs your help