Give a gift that matters: a donation in your friend's name. CGD experts communicate information that is relevant for policy decisions.  Drawing on rigorous rese

Brief Capitol Hill

2 hour briefing



Knowledge about the impact of public policies needs to be brought to the attention of decision makers, so they can make informed choices. Too often, the profound effects of US and other wealthy country policies on developing countries are unseen -- and unheard by those who could make better, more "development-friendly" choices.

The Gift

CGD experts communicate information that is relevant for policy decisions. Drawing on rigorous research that looks carefully at the ways in which trade, aid, debt and migration policies affect poor people and communities, CGD researchers and communications staff are able to convey to members of Congress and to their staffs ideas for policy changes and improvements which increase the chance that developing countries will succeed in their efforts to improve government, achieve financial sustainability, and provide better medical care for their citizens. Your gift will help to support one such briefing on Capitol Hill.