Wake Up AFG!
1 alarm clock
The AFG Shelter provides a safe, stable living and learning environment for homeless young women (ages 16-21) and their children in emergency situations. The Shelter can hold up to 31 women and 14 of their children at one time. In 2007, we provided 6,995 nights of care to 134 homeless young women and their children. We found a major obstacle to getting up for class or work was an alarm clock.
The Gift
Your $10 gift will provide an AFG Shelter resident an alarm clock to keep with her even when she leaves the shelter. An alarm clock is a simple yet often overlooked accessory that is essential to being successful. For the women who arrive at our shelter, an alarm clock is one of the tools we like to provide in helping them succeed in their lives. We hope you join us in this initiative to make sure every resident that comes through our shelter leaves with an alarm clock and a chance for a much more successful future.